
国际私法中的国家主权 被引量:1

National Sovereignty Principle in International Private Law
摘要 国家主权原则是国际关系发展到近代的产物 ,它集中体现在国际私法的立法和司法实践以及国家作为当事者参加的国际民商事活动中。但国家主权不是绝对的 ,在国际私法关系中它还受到种种限制。我国现行的国际私法中体现了这一原则 ,但存在着弊端 ,应加以完善。 National sovereignty principle is the outcome of international relationship that have developed to modern time. In international private law, it is centrally embodied in the nations' legislative and judicial practice as well as the international civil and commercial activities in which the nations participate as the party concerned. Being limited in various ways in relationships of international private law, however, it is not absolute. This principle is embodied in the current international private law of our country,but there exist some problems which should be overcome.
作者 刘亚丁 王宁
出处 《中国煤炭经济学院学报》 2002年第3期272-276,共5页 Journal of China Coal Economic College
关键词 中国 立法 国际私法 国家主权 international private law national sovereignty Chinese legislation
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  • 1[1]杨泽伟.宏观国际法史[M],武汉:武汉大学出版社,2000.27. 被引量:1
  • 2[2]Hugo Grotius. on the Law of War and Peace[M]. Oxford:Oxfordpress,1925. 被引量:1
  • 3韩德培主编..国际私法新论[M].武汉:武汉大学出版社,1997:793.
  • 4李双元主编..国际私法[M].北京:中国人事出版社,1999:247.




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