对自主研制的 ,以 TMS32 0 C6 2 0 1数字信号处理器 (DSP)为核心处理器的高速图象融合系统的设计与实现方案进行了完整描述 ,并着重讨论了双通道数字图象融合处理硬件系统设计中的特殊问题 .由于采用了最新的高性能 DSP以及硬件结构优化设计 ,该系统可以灵活地应用多种融合算法来实现可见光 -长波红外双通道数字图象的实时或准实时融合处理 ,并具有手动像素平移配准功能 ,可以较好地解决多尺度图象融合算法的大数据量计算处理与硬件系统实时性要求之间的矛盾 ,为实用化的多通道实时图象融合处理机的研制工作奠定了良好的技术基础 .
The paper describes the scheme and design of a high-speed image fusion system based on TMS320C6201 DSP, a miniaturized hardware operative platform for digital image fusion processing with high performance and good universality. Some specific problems on hardware designing multi-channel image fusion processing system are also discussed. As a result of using the latest high-performance DSP and many considerations of structural optimization, the system can meet the requirement of real-time(or quasi-real-time) two-channel image fusion processing from visible and infrared band and has the flexibility of applying various algorithms. Additional manual pixel registration function is provided with moving capturing windows. In a sense the system fairly balances heavy computation burden of multiscale-based fusion algorithms and real-time request for hardware. Actual experiments and tests indicate that the image fusion processing system works steadily and reliably. It takes on satisfactory performance and can realize quasi-real-time image fusion processing with complex algorithms such as Laplacian pyramid algorithm. This job stably founded the way to develop multi-channel real-time image fusion system for the practical purpose.
Journal of Image and Graphics
8 63计划 (863 -3 0 8-18-0 4(3 ) )
国家重点预研项目 (3 4.3 .1)