物权法具有显著的固有法性 ,我国农地使用权的物权化建构不应忽视国情。在“城乡分治”的二元社会结构的制约下 ,我国农地呈现出社会保障与经济发展的双重结构 ;而且 ,受集体所有的影响 ,农地也具有显著的社区性。在此独特国情下 ,我国农地使用权的物权化建构显然不可能照搬其他国家的农地使用权利模式。任何社会结构变迁都不可能一蹴而就。为维护广大农民最基本的生存条件 ,在农村社会保障体系未建立之情势下 ,我国农地使用权的物权化建构应立足于二元农地结构 。
Real right has obvious characteristics of inherent law.The real right construction on right of using farmland should not disreqard of the situation in china.Under the control of dual social structure of urban-rural separation,the farmland has distinctive function of economic develop ment and social secarity.And influenced by the collective ownership,farmland has the obvious characeristics of community.In this special case,the real right construction should be based on dual structwre,dual thinking with profits and justice as its guidance.
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