人力资源开发是有效促进就业扩大和失业压力转化的治本之策。但在就业结构非农化转换的关键时期 ,由于各国人力资源开发模式与水平不同 ,失业压力的转化趋势也很不同 ,有的失业压力转低或高失业压力转缓 ,有的失业压力转强。其中韩国准超前型开发模式的成效较高、社会成本较低、高失业压力转低最快 ,是我国较为可行的开发模式选择。为此 ,我国首先要积极创造必要条件 ,特别要采取非常措施加大人力资源开发力度、优化开发结构并创造相应经济社会条件 ,加快向准超前型开发模式转换 ,以从根本上促进我国新时期严重失业压力的缓解。
The human resources development is an effective promotion to more employment and to the transaction of unemployment pressure . But during the key moment of the transaction from the rural employment structure , the pressure and the tendency of the transaction of all countries differ from each other because of the various development patterns and their level . There is an effective development pattern in South Korea with low costs and high speed of transaction of unemployment pressure , which is a very good example for us to follow . For this reason , we must take active measures to make necessary preparations for the new pattern , especially to increase the human resources development and to improve the development structure in order to help alleviate the great pressure .
Population Journal
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