邀请中华中医药学会内科血液病专业委员会的专家教授 ,讨论慢性再生障碍性贫血的中医辨治方法与用药经验。专家们提出 ,本病病机为肾精亏损、脾失健运、脏气失调、瘀阻髓络、热毒内伏和湿浊蕴结 ,治疗以补肾健脾、益髓生血、抑肝泻火、活血化瘀、利湿化浊、清热养阴、凉血止血为主。
Some experts are invited to offer their experience in the diagnosis and treatment of aplastic anemia as well as its medicine administration.It is argued that its pathogenesis is kidney essence deficiency,spleen hypofunction,weakened viscera,marrow dysfunction and internal accumulation of heat toxin and dampness;that its treatment should focus on nourishing spleen and kidneys,enriching marrow to produce blood,activating blood and resolving blood stasis,disinhibiting dampness,clearing heat and invigorating yin,cooling blood and stanching blood.
Shanghai Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine