目的 :评价上颌窦提升、植Bio_Oss骨粉在上颌后牙种植的方法和效果。方法 :对11例牙槽骨高度不足的上颌后牙种植进行上颌窦提升、植Bio_Oss骨粉 ,同期种植7例 ,延期种植4例。结果 :6个月后 ,X线片显示Bio_Oss骨粉改建形成了新骨 ,增加了牙槽骨高度 ,满足了种植要求 ;7例同期种植可见种植体与Bio_Oss诱导的新骨形成紧密的骨性结合。种植体植入9个月后进行二期修复。结论 :Bio_Oss骨粉植入提升上颌窦增加了上颌后牙区的牙槽骨高度 ,拓展了种植的适应证 ,免除了自体取骨手术。方法简单 。
Objective: To evaluate the procedure and the effect of maxilllary sinus augmentation with Bio-Oss in maxillary posterior region. Methods: 11 patients without enough alveolar bone height to place the implant received maxillary sinus augmentation with Bio-Oss.7 patients with simultaneous implant placement,4 patients with delaying placement. Results: 6 months postoperatively, Bio-Oss reformed to new bone in the postoperative X-ray showed, improve the height of alveolar bone and approach the requirements of dental implants .In 7 patients with simultaneous implant placement,the implant osseointergrated tightly with new bone which induced second-step prosthesis undergo ofter implant placement 9 months later. Conclusion: The alveolar height of maxillary posterior region was improved by augmentation of maxillary sinus with Bio-Oss.It enlarged indication of dental implants and avoided operation of harvesting autogenous bone.The method is simple and valuable to clinical application.
Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology