结合工科院校的实际情况 ,就《法律基础》课的学科队伍建设、教学内容、教学方法和考试方式的改革及学科资料建设进行了初步探讨。工科院校《法律基础》学科队伍建设的关键是在严格管理的同时 ,加强对教师法律专业知识的培训。鉴于目前存在内容多与课时少的尖锐矛盾 ,应在准确把握教学重点的基础上 ,对教材内容进行科学合理地优化选择。在教学中 ,应广泛搜集、充分利用专业资料 ,采取典型案例、参加庭审等直观教学方式 ,引导学生投入法律实践 ,提高学生学法、守法、用法的意识。改革考试方式 ,重点考察学生运用所学知识分析、判断、解决法律问题的能力 。
In view of the actual situation of engnieering institutions in China, this article has made a tentative exploration into the academic team training of the LegalFoundation course, teaching program, teaching method and testing reform as well as academic data building. This article states that the key to the academic team training of the Legal Foundation courseis to train teachers with legal knowledge on the basis of strict management. On account of the sharp conflict between more content and less course time, we should reasonably select the teaching material on the basis of catching the focal points of teaching. In teaching, We should widely collect and fully apply the academic data, adopt object teaching, such as case study andcourt trials and guide students to devote themselves to legal practices, so as to improve the students consciousness of learning, observing, and using law. We should reform the examination system, and pay more attention to the students ablity of analysing, judging and solving legal problems with their knowledge in order to give play to the education and guidance function of exams in the training of the students legal quality.
Journal of Zhengzhou University of Technology(Social Science)
engineering institutions
Legal Foundation course
legal quality