
死亡提醒效应:基于中文实验材料的初步验证 被引量:2

A Preliminary Validation of Mortality Salience Effects Based on Chinese Experimental Materials
摘要 为了探索死亡提醒效应在中国被试中是否存在,本研究采用中文实验材料,让14名中国大学生填写死亡态度描绘量表(修订版)以进行死亡提醒,另14名被试进行中性提醒,短暂延迟后,以阅读语段的评定题作为测量工具,考察被试的世界观防御情况。结果发现,死亡提醒组被试对其认同的世界观表现出了显著偏好。同时,死亡提醒组在世界观防御上的平均分高于中性提醒组,不过未达到显著性差异。本研究初步证实了在中国被试中存在死亡提醒效应,但延迟操作及对世界观防御的测量尚需改进。 The study explored the existence of mortality salience effects in Chinese subjects via Chinese experimental materials.Fourteen Chinese subjects filled Death Attutide Profile-Revised to remind their mortality,while another fourteen subjects filled neutral materials,after a short delay,the evaluation of reading discourses was conducted in order to measure the subjects' worldview defense.The results indicated that mortality salience group showed more preference for the worldview they favor than neutral salience group.Meanwhile,between mortality salience group and neutral salience group,there was no significant difference on the average score of worldview defense although the score was higher in the former group.The study preliminary validated the existence of mortality salience effects in Chinese subjects,but the delay manipulation and the measure of worldview defense needed to be improved.
作者 傅晋斌
出处 《华中师范大学研究生学报》 2010年第3期116-119,共4页 Central China Normal University Journal of Postgraduates
关键词 死亡提醒效应 恐惧管理理论 死亡提醒 延迟操作 世界观防御 mortality salience effects terror management theory mortality salience delay manipulation worldview defense
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