The research maily involves with desiging and developing a photobioreactor (6 L) that utilizes red GaAlAs HBLED integrated circuit block as internal illuminant and establishing the continuous system of cultivation. The biomass concentration of spirulina is steady about 498 g·L-1 when the optimal dilution rate D determined to 015 d-1by controlling fresh nutrient medium supplied. Under observation effect of the light quality and light intensity on growth of photoautotrophetic Spirulina and concentration of photosynthesis pigment, the studies indicate that high photosynthetic effciency of Spirulina, high growth rate, more dring weight of algae and the content of phycobiliprotein about 130 mg/g. DW in the condition of red light and certain range of light intensity are achieved. These results suggest GaAlAs HBLED being the most potential economic light resource for photobioreactor of development in the future.
Supplement to the Journal of Sun Yatsen University