本文对我国农业结构调整进行了理论归纳 ,包括其理论依据、条件、方向等 ,在重视作物与农用动物生态适应性的同时 ,提出要重视研究农作物和农用动物的经济有效性。对我国农业结构调整的原则、目标 ,战略等作了方向性的描述 ,重点对种植业结构调整进行了较深入的探讨 ,提出扩大视野 ,包括 4类 2 0个产业方向 ;提出农业也要树立产业、产品、商品、名牌竞争 ,主动应对 WTO的挑战 ,深化调整结构的领域与布局 ;
The adjustment of agricultural structure in China had been concluded in this paper, which included theory foundation, condition, direction etc. It point out that not only the ecological adaptability of crop and domestic animals should be studied, but also the economic efficiency of them. The principle, objective and strategy of agricultural structure adjustment in China had been described. The estate, product, commodity and famous brand of agriculture should be established. The field and position of structure adjustment should be enlarged to face the challenge of WTO.
Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology