CAD是一种创新的产品开发工具 ,但往往只作为个人的设计工具 ,而不是作为整个企业的虚拟并行协同开发工具。为规范CAD/CAM系统的应用 ,本文从信息集成的角度 ,提出了企业CAD应用标准化工作方法 ,内容涉及主模型、文件命名、属性输入、属性重用、深度备份、参考集、图层、标题栏和明细表自动生成等。采用UG/Open在UG软件上开发了CAD应用标准化及其检查软件。实践表明 ,贯彻CAD应用标准和使用CAD应用标准化软件 ,可以很好地规范CAD的应用 ,既保证了设计各阶段数据的全相关、共享与交换 ,也保证了主模型的安全 ,提高了CAD软件使用水平。
CAD, a powerful tool for product innovation, has been widely accepted as an individual facility more than a tool for virtual collaborative product design. For the better regulation of the CAD/CAM application, a principle of standardization of CAD application is proposed, from the view of information integration. It involves the master model, file naming, attributes input and attributes reuse,depth backup, reference set,layer,title block, part list auto-generating. Using the tool of UG/Open, a software system has been implemented for CAD application standardization and its verification. It is proven that the standardization of CAD application and its software can bring a better regulated CAD application, in which, the data collaboration,CAD model share and its data exchange, a safer master model can be achieved, and then a higher level of CAD application can be expected.
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