低渗透油藏的类型很多 ,而且大多数是复杂岩性油气藏。不同类型的低渗透油藏测井评价的重点和解释方法都不尽相同。低渗透油藏涉及中—高孔隙度低渗透储层、低孔隙度低渗透砂岩储层、低渗透性砾岩储层、泥岩裂缝储层、裂缝性碳酸盐岩和火成岩储层等六种类型。文中从低渗透油藏的地质特点和测井解释难点出发对上述油藏的测井评价方法作了介绍。
There are many types of low permeability oil reservoirs, most of them are complex lithology oil reservoirs. Focal point and interpretation methods of well logging evaluation are different each other for different types of low permeability oil reservoirs. There are six types of lowpermeability oil reservoirs, including midhigh porosity and low permeability reservoirs, low porosity and low permeability sandstone reservoirs, low permeability gravel formations, shale fractured reservoirs, fractured carbonate and volcanic rock reservoirs. Well logging evaluation methods are introduced starting from the considerations of geological characteristics and difficulty in logging interpretation of the low permeability oil reservoirs.
Petroleum Geology and Recovery Efficiency