ActiGraph GT3X经过多年的发展,已应用于很多领域,身体活动对健康的影响也非常明显,人们越来越重视。为了了解GT3X的基本原理及GT3X在监测日常身体活动中的研究现状。通过文献资料法,对国内外相关文献进行了简单的对比与总结,结果表明国内外通过GT3X监测身体活动的研究都有广泛的应用,但相较于国外的研究领域和研究成果,国内还是有很大的提升空间。可见国内有必要增加以GT3X为代表的可穿戴设备在监测日常身体活动中的研究,从而更加科学和深入的对不同时期的身体活动的疾病研究和研发最适合我国人群的健康身体活动指南。
After years of development,ActiGraph GT3X has been used in many fields,and the health effects of physical activity are also very obvious,and people are paying more and more attention.This paper systematically explains the basic principles of GT3X and the research status of GT3X in monitoring daily physical activities.By reviewing the two databases of CNKI and SCI,the papers have been compared and summarized in a simple way.It is found that the research on monitoring physical activity through GT3X at home and abroad has been widely applied,but compared with foreign research fields and research results,there is still a lot of room for improvement in China.It is necessary to increase the research on the daily physical activity of wearable devices represented by GT3X in China,so as to make scientific and in-depth research on the physical activity of different periods of time and research and develop a guide for healthy physical activity that is most suitable for the Chinese population.
Wan Tong;Luo Qi(Graduate School,Wuhan Sports University,Wuhan 430079,China;College of Sports Engineering and Information Technology,Wuhan Sports University,Wuhan 430079,China)
Electronic Measurement Technology