根据许多事实,作者提出了关于植物雌雄分化本质的新概念新假说,即植物两性分化是植株两极分化的特殊表现形式。根据这一概念和假说,设计了“极化”处理的杂交方法。杂交试验的初步结果和理论上的假设基本相符。 文末讨论了强化杂种优势的可能性。
On the basis of many facts, this paper brings forward a new concept ab-out the essence of differentiation of female and male in the plant, that is,thesexual differentiation is the special form of differentiation of two poles on theplant, According to the new concept, the method of hybridization with'pol-arized' treatment has been designed.The results of hybridized experiments ag-ree, in the Main, with the theoretical hypothesis. According to the new concept about the sex essence,The paper discussesThe possibility of strengthening heterosis.