1984年对油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)7年生实生苗和11年生嫁接无性系外施植物生长调节物质。同时进行一些栽培处理,其中栽培措施或与外源激素结合,或单独进行,旨在研究油松成花过程的内在控制和探索促进油松成花的方法。1985年统计了各试验处理的开花情况。 对7年生油松实生苗进行的13个处理中,赤霉素A_3(GA_3)注入新梢提高雄球花数量20倍,修根提高雄球花数23倍,茎环剖和聚己烯薄膜覆盖地表均使雄球花增加10倍以上,赤霉素A_4(GA_4)注入新梢使雄球花增加2倍,GA_4注入结合修根处理使雄球花数量提高7.6倍,GA_4与6-苄基腺嘌呤(BA)的混合物注入新梢对雄球花的数量也稍有促进。本试验中,对7年生油松实生苗雌球花有促进作用的处理仅为注入GA_4与注入GA_4结合修根。 上述其它处理大都对雌花数量影响不大或略有负作用。BA注入新梢显著地削弱了处理枝的开花频度和球花数。那些与注入BA相结合的栽培处理,无论其单独处理的作用如何,都无一例外地抑制了油松实生苗的成花过程。 萘乙酸(NA人)和矮壮素(CCC)对11年生油松嫁接无性系的影响在本试验中颇具规律。在两个供试无性系的四种处理部位,NAA都有力地促进了雄球花的数量(平均为对照的27.5倍),但却削弱了雌花着生率(约为对照的三分之一),CCC对雌。
Flowering process of Chinese pine seedlings and grafted clones was significantly promoted by using plant growth regulators and cultural treatments. Injecting gibberellin A3 into shoot base of 7-year old seedlings of Pinus tabulaeformis biweekly increased male cones 20 fold. GA4 and GA4 in combination with root pruning increased both male and female cone productions significantly. Root pruning alone was the most effective means for enhancing male cones (23fold) . Stem girdling and polythene mulching also increased male cone production more than 10 fold. Most of treatments mentioned above were ineffective on female cone production or even slightly decreased it. 6-benzyladenine (BA) treatment: as well as cultural treatments in combination with BA injection appeared to decrease both male and female cone productions, especially the latter. GA4 plus BA slightly increased male cones, but decreased female ones. In compar- son with control, solvent (70% ethanol) had no significant effect on repoduction of Pinus tabulaeformis seedlings. Branch girdling was ineffective on female cones, but unexpectedly, decreased male cone production.Applied on shoots of 11-year old mature grafted clones of Chinese pine biweekly, naphthylacetic acid (NAA) increased male cones significantly (27.5 fold in average) , but decreased female cones about 3 times. The effect of chlorocholingchloride (CCC)on flowering here was not significant.
Journal of Beijing Forestry University