对世界中的复杂性和非线性的探究和管理 ,是我们共同面临的挑战。从复杂性科学的角度探讨了上市公司信息披露系统的基本特征。指出它是一个具有自组织作用的社会系统 ,并对其所具有的非对称性、有限可测性、有限可控性、离散性、非线性、时空统一性等特征进行了分析。
We are facing the challenge of exploration and management about complexity and nonlinearity in the world.The basic characteristics of listed companies' IDS were studied from the viewpoint of complexity science,and some of them were analysed,for example,asymmetry,limited predictability,limited controllability,dispersity,non linearity,unity of time and space,and so on.It was pointed out that IDS is a social system of self organizing function.
Journal of Systemic Dialectics