作者介绍了军队医院医疗组对口支援西部县医院的做法与体会。在帮扶工作中应把帮扶工作作为一项政治任务来完成 ,时刻牢记军人身份 ,密切军民关系 ;认真落实医疗制度、规范诊疗程序 ,以确保医疗安全 ;创造条件 ,积极开展新技术、新业务 ,提高帮扶对象整体素质 。
The author introduced the practice and experience of mthe edical group of the military hospital supporting the western county hospital, it was expounded in this article that the help and supporting work should be treated as a political task, remembering one's own identity as a serviceman every minute to tie up with people, putting the rules and regulations of the hospital into effect, standardizing the diagnosis and treatment procedure to ensure medical security, developing new techniques and operations by taking positive measures to improve the quality of the hospital personnel and to promote the efficiency of the help and supporting work.
Hospital Administration Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army