计算机信息技术日新月异,人民对美好生活的向往日益增长。智能家居系统快速发展,成为引领家居生活的新风尚。随着开源硬件平台的发展,以其作为主控系统,构建智能家居远程控制系统成为可能。基于Node MCU和Arduino开发板,运用Arduino IDE开发软件,通过温度传感器采集水温数据,以智能手机作为移动控制终端,对电热水器实施远程温控。系统的顺利构建,为电子爱好者设计个性化的智能家居系统提供了一定的借鉴。
The computer information technology is changing with each passing day, and the people's yearning for a better life isgrowing day by day. The rapid development of smart home system has become a new style for leading home life. With the develop-ment of open source hardware platform, it is convenient and possible to build a remote control system for smart home automationwith a main control system. Based on Node MCU and Arduino development board, the Arduino IDE development software is used tocollect water temperature data through temperature sensor. Then, a smart phone as mobile control terminal is adopted to implementremote temperature control for electric water heater. The construction of this system can provide some suggestions or guidance forthe design of personalized intelligent home system for the electronic enthusiasts.
Computer Knowledge and Technology