教学研究管理现代化的大趋势,在高校教学研究加快信息化建设的背景下,加快学校教学研究管理信息化步伐,构建高校教学研究管理信息化平台,成为了广大高校教师的需求。结合广东外语外贸大学南国商学院教研项目管理特点,该系统采用B/S模式,基于SSM(Spring、Spring MVC、Mybatis)框架,实现了教研项目管理的信息化,能有效提高高校教师的教学研究的积极性、高效性和完成性。
In the big trend of teaching research management modernization, under the background of university teaching research accelerates the informationization construction, accelerating the informationization pace of college teaching research management. To construct an informationization platform for university teaching research management, it has become the demand of many college teachers. Combining the management characteristics of the teaching research project which in South China Business College, this system is Based on SSM(Spring、Spring MVC、Mybatis)framework and uses B/S mode to realize teaching research project management informationization. It can improve positivity, efficiency and performability of college teacher's teaching research efficiently.
Computer Knowledge and Technology