研究并设计了一种高精度酸碱度(PH)测量仪,详细描述了其硬件组成和软件实现。该PH测量仪硬件组成是以低功耗单片机C8051F320和PH指示电极传感器为核心器件,包括USB通信、数据采集、历史数据存储和输出显示等硬件模块。软件程序分为上位机和下位机程序,采用模块化结构设计,利用KEIL 51和VC++6.0编程,主要完成PH测量的温度补偿和数据的采集、存储、显示、传输等功能。实验和测试结果表明,该测量仪具有操作简单、精度高、性能稳定可靠的特点。
High precise p H value measurement meter is depicted, and the detail description of hardware architecture and software implementation is made. The hardware system mainly consists of the microcontroller C8051F320, p H electrode sensor,USB communication module, data acquisition module, historical data storage module and output display module. The software program is divided into PC program and lower computer program, mainly implements the software temperature compensation,and data acquisition, storage, display, transmission, with modular structure design and KEIL 51 and VC++6.0 programming software utilized. The experiment results show that the detector is characterized by easy operation, high precision and stable performances.
Computer Knowledge and Technology