在目前的医疗自助实践中,自助服务系统通常将业务模块分布在不同的终端,将终端分为自助挂号、缴费、取单、信息查询终端等。这些终端机型号不一、系统不同,使用者不容易掌握每种自助终端的用法;对于管理者,终端故障问题不能及时发现与处理;在信息管理方面,分离的设备也很难提供有效的数据整合供商业决策使用。为了整合模块,适应"互联网+医疗"的趋势,设计并实现了一个B/S架构,基于.NET Web服务的医疗自助服务系统,一台设备即可完成自助挂号、预约、充值、缴费、发票与凭条打印、自助取单、账户信息及医保信息查询等多种功能。
In the current practice of medical care self-service,The self-service system usually distributes different business modules in different terminals,which are divided into terminals for registration,payment,access to report,information inquiry,etc..These terminals have different types and systems,it's not easy for the user to master the usage of every kind of terminal; for managers,fault of terminal cannot be detected and handled in time; in information management,it's also difficult to make effective data integration for commercial decision.In order to integrate modules and adapt to the tendency of "Internet + health",the design and implementation of a B/S architectural medical care self-service system based on.Net web service,with which a single terminal can handle self-service registration,reservation,recharge,bill payment,invoice and receipt printing,account information and medical insurance inquiry.
Computer Knowledge and Technology