
基于Client Honeypot的网络入侵检测系统

Network Intrusion Detection System Based on Client Honeypot
摘要 随着使用者的需求变化与Web应用技术的快速发展,Web应用更为开放并更强调分享及互动,使得Web应用成为当今网络应用的潮流,但也成为黑客新的攻击目标。黑客对网站植入恶意程序代码,造成Web事件威胁不断衍生,Web已变成信息安全攻击重要感染途径之一。该文将介绍一种恶意网页检测方法 -Client Honeypot。Client Honeypot系利用Client端主动与Web Server产生互动以进行探测及诱捕,有别于传统的入侵检测系统被动式检测模式。该研究以Open Source工具Honey C为基础进行研究改进,实现对恶意网页检测的应用。 with the user's demand changes with the rapid development of Web application technology,Web application more open and more emphasis on sharing and interactive,making Web applications become the trends of network applications,but also become a new target of hackers.Hackers malicious code to your website to make the Web event threat derived from tradition,the Web has become a information security against one of the important infection.This article introduces a kind of malicious web pages detection method- Client Honeypot.Client Honeypot system using Client side active interactions with a Web Server to detect and trapping,passive detection is different from the traditional intrusion detection system model.This study is based on Open Source tools Honey C study improvement,for the application of detecting malicious web pages.
作者 忻俊
出处 《电脑知识与技术》 2015年第1X期69-71,共3页 Computer Knowledge and Technology
关键词 客户端蜜罐 恶意网页 client Honeypot malicious web pages
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