高等职业学校秘书专业应以社会主义市场经济需求为导向 ,以强化学生的能力为核心 ,培养出适应 2 1世纪要求的高素质、强能力的秘书人才 ,为此就必须构建科学合理的课程体系、大胆改革教学方法 。
The secretarial training of higher vocational education should be oriented to the needs of socialist market-oriented economy,center on the strengthening of students' capability and yield high quality secretarial personnel so as to meet the great demand of the market in 21st century. Hence,scientific and balanced curriculum shall be constructed,teaching methodology shall be reformed and the importance and pressing necessity of the practice-based teaching shall be taken into consideration in the higher education for secretarial major.
Journal of Fuqing Branch of Fujian Normal University