将Smith预估器和内模控制结构结合起来 ,使用模糊控制器为主控制器 ,并用积分环节来消除系统所存在的稳态误差。理论分析可以证明 ,该结构就是内模控制器 ,无需滤波环节就可以得到良好的鲁棒性 ,而模糊控制器本身的非线性和鲁棒性也可以改善系统的动态性能和鲁棒性。经仿真研究发现 ,只要合理调整模糊比例因子和积分因子 ,该方法可以在一定的模型失配情况下得到比常规IMC更好的控制品质 。
This paper presents the combination of the smith predictor and internal model control with a fuzzy controller used as a main controller.An integrating factor is used to eliminate static errors in the system.A theoretic analysis proves that this structure is the internal model control in fact,which has good robustness without filtration.Moreover,the fuzzy controller's nonlinearity and robustness can also improve the system dynamic properties and robust performance.The simulation result shows that this method can get better control quality than a normal smith predictor so long as the fuzzy scale factor and integrating factor are adjusted properly,thus yielding no static errors.
Industrial Instrumentation & Automation