量子信息技术是量子物理与信息科学交叉的新兴学科。它为信息科学的持续发展提供新的原理和方法。阐明了量子信息技术发展的背景及其奇特的信息功能 ,介绍国际发展的状况和趋势。中国科学院将量子信息作为优先发展领域之一给予有力支持。简要介绍了近几年来我院在这个领域中取得的主要研究成果。
The technique of quantum information is a new developing field that involves both the quantum physics and the information science. It equips the information science with new principles and methods and ensures its persistent development. This paper introduces the backgrounds of quantum information technique and illustrates the strange functions dealing with information. It also gives a brief view to the international developing situation and prospect. The Chinese Academy of Science has given strong support to the subject of quantum information as an area with priority. We here introduce the main research results in this area that we have obtained in the recent years. Finally, we propose some suggestions on the further development of technique of quantum information in our academy and thus to induce more valued ideas.
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences