
基于遗传算法防重叠冲突的地图点标注方法研究 被引量:4

A Map Point Labeling Method Based on Genetic Algorithm and Overlapping Conflict Prevention Mechanism
摘要 高质量地图点要素标注及自动配置问题是地图制图中的难点之一。为了解决地图点要素标注中的重叠问题,提出基于遗传算法的局部优化功能实现防重叠冲突的地图点要素标注。该文首先通过地图点要素标注的位置分配问题,建立基于点要素的八位置候选模型。其次,针对地图点的防重叠冲突问题,提出地图点标注的重叠数量评价函数和重叠面积评价函数,记录每一次迭代过程中点要素标注的重叠个数和重叠面积,得到标注重叠质量得分,进而得到适应度评分。最后基于3种评分结果建立新的终止条件,将数次迭代后满足该条件的标注设置为最终的配置方案。实验采用随机模拟数据和福州大学城实际数据进行验证,结果表明基于遗传算法和防重叠冲突的点标注配置与一般的标注配置相比,其重叠个数减少了89%。在迭代过程中最后一代相较于第一代的重叠面积减少了75%,标注的适应度提升54.5%。该算法能够有效地计算出群体点标注的近似最优解,显著提升地图标注的美观性和位置平衡性,适用于网络地图和专题地图点要素的自动化标注和配置。 The problem of high quality map point labeling and automatic configuration is one of the difficulties in the cartography.In order to avoid the problem of overlapping in map point labeling,a method of map point labeling for overlapping conflict prevention is proposed by using genetic algorithm(GA) with local optimization function in this paper.Firstly,eight candidate location models around point are proposed in view of the configuration of map points labeling in this method.Secondly,in combination with the problem of anti-overlapping conflicts in map points,the innovative method of GA is proposed by building overlapping quantity evaluation function and overlapping area evaluation function of map points labeling which includes recording the scale of the overlapping quantity and overlapping area of the element annotation at each iteration.It could get the score of overlapping mark and then get the fitness score.Finally,a new termination condition is established based on the three scores,the label which in accordance with the condition after several iterations is set as the final result of map point labeling.The method is verified by the experiments with the random simulation data and the actual data of Fuzhou University.The results showed that the overlapping mark quantity with configuration of point labeling based on GA was decreased by 89% compared with the general annotation configuration.During the iterative process,the overlapping area of the last generation was 75% less than the first generation,and the fitness of labeling was increased by 54.5%.This algorithm can effectively find out the approximate optimal solution of group point labeling,so that it can significantly improve the overall aesthetics and position balance of map point labeling,which is suitable for automatic labeling and configuration of map point labeling in network maps and thematic maps.
作者 梁娟珠 许文鑫 周玉科 LIANG Juan-zhu;XU Wen-xin;ZHOU Yu-ke(Key Laboratory of Spatial Data Mining and Information Sharing of Ministry of Education,Spatial Information Research Center of Fujian Province,Fuzhou University,Fuzhou 350116;Key Laboratory of Ecosystem Network Observation and Modeling,Institute of Geographic and Nature Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China)
出处 《地理与地理信息科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第2期6-11,共6页 Geography and Geo-Information Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41401052) 国家科技支撑项目(2013BAC08B00)
关键词 点要素标注 遗传算法 布局优化 重叠避让 point labeling genetic algorithm(GA) layout optimization overlapping prevention
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