人类胚胎干细胞研究和使用面临很多问题 ,并且大部分已经进行了广泛的讨论 ,但目前仍有一些问题很少进行讨论。对这些问题的讨论将有助于更好地研究人类胚胎干细胞的使用问题。这些问题是 :(1)干细胞研究与社会政策 ,各个国家有关的政策制定并不一致 ,除了禁止人的生殖性克隆的国际性公约外 ,国际性准则在胚胎研究的也没有提供明确的规定 ;(2 )欧洲有些国家在相关的问题的立法一致性上存在着许多问题 ,有些甚至是相互矛盾的 ;(3)干细胞研究应用的预防原则的适宜性问题已引起人们的争论 ;(4 )
There are many issues in human stem cell research and use,most of the issues have received extensive discussion over the past few years.The discussions for the issues are helpful better to study the use of human stem cells.These issues are:(1)stem cell research and social policy.The policies about stem cell research published by different countries are different.International guidelines provide little clarity specifically on human embryo research for use of stem cells,apart from the international agreement on the protibition of human reproductive cloning.(2)There are many problems regarding the consistency of legislation in some of the E.U.Countries.There are contradictions on some of the laws and legislatons for stem cell research and use of human embryo.(3)Debates have been raised in precautionary principle for use of stem cell research.(4)Use of the principle of beneficence and the avoidance of waste in stem cell research.
Medicine and Philosophy