一、简介大豆(Glycine max subsp.max)不仅是世界上最重要的油料作物之一,也是禽畜主要的蛋白质来源①,其产量在全球所有作物中排名第七②。尽管这种作物对世界经济的重要性不言而喻,然而,它是如何成为一种重要的作物,并最终成为栽培作物的等一系列问题尚未得到有效解决。生物遗传学和历史文献研究得出的大豆演化历史表明,大豆是在东亚地区最先栽培起来的,并在周代(距今2500年左右)时已经成为中国的一项重要作物。然而,大豆是在何时何地以及在什么背景下变得与人类密不可分,尚不明了。
The recently acquired archaeological record for soybean from Japan,China and Korea is shedding light on the context in which this important economic plant became associated with people and was domesticated.This paper examines archaeological(charred)soybean seed size variation to determine what insight can be gained from a comprehensive comparison of 949 specimens from 22 sites.Seed length alone appears to represent seed size change through time,although the length6width6 thickness product has the potential to provide better size change resolution.A widespread early association of small seeded soybean is as old as9000-8600 cal BP in northern China and 7000 cal BP in Japan.Direct AMS radiocarbon dates on charred soybean seeds indicate selection resulted in large seed sizes in Japan by5000 cal BP(Middle Jomon)and in Korea by 3000 cal BP(Early Mumun).Soybean seeds recovered in China from the Shang through Han periods are similar in length to the large Korean and Japanese specimens,but the overall size of the large Middle and Late Jomon,Early Mumun through Three Kingdom seeds is significantly larger than any of the Chinese specimens.The archaeological record appears to disconfirm the hypothesis of a single domestication of soybean and supports the view informed by recent phyologenetic research that soybean was domesticated in several locations in East Asia.
Lee Gyou ng-Ah;Gary W.Crawford;Liu Li;Sasaki Yuka;Chen Xuexiang;Yang Qian(Department of Anthropology, University of Oregon,USA;Department of Anthropology,University of Toronto Mississauga,Canada;East Asian Languages and Cultures,Stanford Archaeology Center,Stanford University, USA;Paleo Labo Co., Ltd.,Japan;Department of Archaeology, Shandong University, China)
East Asia Archaeology