目的研究镉对去卵巢大鼠骨丢失的影响。方法将6月龄SD雌性大鼠行人工去卵巢术 ,分5组 ,每组9只 :假手术组 ;对照组 (去卵巢 ,0mg/LCd) ;低剂量组 (去卵巢 +50mg/LCd) ;中剂量组 (去卵巢 +100mg/LCd) ;高剂量组(去卵巢 +200mg/LCd) ,均经饮用水镉染毒。24周后处死动物 ,测定股骨颈骨密度 ,雌二醇、血、尿镉、尿β2_微球蛋白、骨镉、骨钙、粪钙、尿钙。结果大鼠去卵巢后 ,体内雌二醇及骨密度明显下降。镉染毒可使去卵巢大鼠股骨颈的骨密度降低更明显 ,且呈剂量_反应关系。镉染毒大鼠发生肾损伤 ,表现为尿β2_微球蛋白含量升高。镉染毒后 ,去卵巢大鼠粪钙及尿钙排泄明显增加 ,且呈剂量_反应关系。高剂量组去卵巢大鼠的骨钙含量也显著性下降。结论镉可加剧去卵巢大鼠的骨量丢失 ,肠钙及尿钙的排泄量增加 ,骨钙含量降低 。
Objective To investigate the effects of cadmium on bone loss in ovariectomized rats. Methods Female Sprague-Dawley rats, aged 6 months, were divided to 5 groups, i.e. sham operation group (sh) , control group (ovariectomy 0 mg/L Cd), low dose group (ovariectomy+50 mg/L Cd), medium dose group (ovariectomy+100 mg/L Cd), high dose group (ovariectomy+200 mg/L Cd). Cadmium was administrated via drinking water. After 24- week exposure, the following indices were measured, bone mineral density (BMD) at the femurs necks, serum estradiol, urinary and blood cadmium, urinary β 2-MG, bone calcium and cadmium, and calcium contents in feces and urine. Results Estradiol and BMD significantly declined in the ovariectomized rats. Cadmium administration aggravated the declines of BMD in a dose-effect pattern. Urinary β 2-MG, the excretions of calcium in feces and urine were significantly higher in cadmium-exposed groups in a dose-effects pattern. And bone calcium was also significantly lower in the group exposed to 200 mg/L cadmium than in the control group. Conclusion It is indicated that cadmium could increase bone loss and decrease BMD in ovariectomized rats by increasing the excretions of calcium in feces and urine.
Journal of Environment and Health