引述了近年来太阳和空间物理的一大研究成果:产生日地空间射电爆发和地球物理响应的主因不是太阳耀斑,而是日冕物质抛射(CME);论述了射电爆发在研究CME中的作用;分析了1991-06-15 CME事件中射电爆发和质子事件产生的物理过程;介绍了地面/空间对 CME和共生射电爆发联测研究的新进展;提出了我国今后开展地面/空间联测研究的设想和建议。
The great achivement in solar-terrestial physics, which the key solar phenomena responsible for interplanetary shocks, non-recurvent geomagnetic storms and large SEPs are caused by the coronal mass ejections (CMEs) instead of flares, is reviewed. The radio signatures of coronal mass ejections are described. The physical processes for the generation of radio bursts and energetic proton streams during the typical event 1991-06-15 CME are discussed in detail, and recent progress in studying the CMEs and associated radio bursts with cooperative observations of ground-based and spaceborne radiospectrograph is presented. Finally, some suggestions for future research works are proposed.
Progress In Astronomy