黄河小浪底水库运行初期 ,清水下泄 ,下游河床冲刷下切 ,险情将有所增加 ,防洪形势会发生很大变化 ,但水库的拦蓄作用 ,会使下游出现大洪水的可能性减小 ,中常洪水的发生几率将有所增加。因此 ,要加强中常洪水的调度 ,确保滩区安全 ,把中常洪水造成的漫滩损失减小到最低。本文结合“96 8”洪水现象及下游河床行洪能力分析 ,认为适当加强主槽工程措施的管理和建设 。
Clear water released from XiaoLangdi reservoir may lead to erosion and some new problems.This may cause a great change to the situations of the flood prevention in the Lower Yellow River. There may still be big flood,but the probability of average frequent floods will increase.So it is required to strengthen the dispatching of average frequent floods,and to ensure the safety of beach areas,and to minimize the loss.The analysis to the Yellow River 96.8' flood indicates that it is possible for average frequent floods to smoothly move in river channels if some necessany engineering measures and management are conducted.
Journal of Sediment Research