目的 探讨2%碘酊、75%乙醇棉签安全消毒瓶盖的数量及消毒后安全放置的时间。方法 将0.9%氯化钠注射液(500 ml)180瓶分为6组,每组30瓶,均用1根碘酊棉签消毒、1根乙醇棉签脱碘,连续消毒6个瓶盖,分别取样行细菌培养。另取同样液体150瓶,分为A、B、C、D、E5组,每组30瓶,1根碘酊、乙醇棉签消毒1个瓶盖,分别于消毒后放置0.5、1、2、4、6min取样行细菌培养。结果 1根碘酊、乙醇棉签连续消毒至第4个瓶盖时污染数明显增加(P<O.05)。消毒后放置4 min时污染数明显增加(P<O.05)。结论 1根2%碘酊、75%乙醇棉签连续消毒3个瓶盖,消毒后放置2min最为安全。
Objective To investigate the largest number of lids sterilized by one tincture of iodine and alcohol tampon and how long the lids can be placed safely after sterilization. Methods One hundred and eighty bottles of 0. 9 % NaCl (500 ml) were divided into 6 groups (n=30 each). Six lids were sterilized by one tincture of iodine and alcohol tampon. One hundred and fifty bottles of 0. 9 % NaCl (500 ml) were divided into 5 groups (n=30 each). One lid was sterilized by one tincture of iodine and alcohol tampon. The lids were exposed 0. 5, 1, 2, 4 and 6 min to air after there were sterilized as above method. Bacterial culture was done. Results The number of contaminated lids were increased when the 4th lid was sterilized by one tincture of iodine and alcohol tampon continuously (P<0. 05). The number of contaminated lids were increased apparently when the lids were placed for 4 min after sterilization (P<0. 05). Conclusion The number of lids sterilized continuously by one tincture of iodine and alcohol tampon with sterilization technique designedly should not be more than 3 and the placed time after sterilization less than 2 min is safest
Journal of Nursing Science
transfusion bottle
iodine tincture