研究开发出一种遥操作工程机器人系统 ,可以应用于诸如火灾现场的修复作业等广阔的领域 .该系统由伺服控制的工程机器人、2根从远处操纵工程机器人的操纵杆、视频系统和 6自由度运动模拟器组成 .操作者坐于座椅上 ,座椅固定于运动模拟器的上方 .该系统需要解决的一个关键问题是如何使操纵者高质量地获得工作现场的临场运动感觉 .提出了一种 6自由度临场运动感觉反馈方法 ,其信号源来自工程机器人上安装的 6个加速度传感器 .该方法的有效性已为实验所证明 ,即应用 6自由度运动模拟器不但可以高质量地模拟工程机器人单个自由度的运动 :滚动、俯仰、转动以及前后、左右、上下的平移 ,而且可以高质量地模拟工程机器人的各种复合运动 .
A construction tele\|robotic system that has wide applications is developed such as restoration work in a stricken area. The system consists of a servo\|controlled construction robot, two joysticks to operate the robot from a remote place and a 6\|DOF motion base. The operator sits on a seat attached on the motion base. A vital problem that must be solved in such a system is how to convey adequate presence of working site to the operator in high quality. In this paper, a control method of employing the 6\|DOF motion base is investigated to generate such a 6\|DOF realistic motion just only according to the signals of six acceleration sensors on the construction tele\|robot. The validity of this method has been confirmed experimentally, i.e., not only the each motion of roll, pitch, yaw, surge, sway and heave of the construction tele\|robot can be simulated accurately by the 6\|DOF motion base, but also the complex motion can be done in high quality.
Chinese Journal of Engineering Design
吉林省自然科学基金资助项目 (2 0 0 10 5 6 8)