需要、目的、理想 ,是表述人的本质的概念。需要是人对于外界环境和条件的依赖性 ,最关键的是要区分目的性需要和手段性需要 ;目的是主体行为指向的内在根据 ,它由被意识到的内在需要和外在环境的可能性构成 ,目的和手段很容易混淆 ,它们区分的合理性取决于社会实践发展的具体情况 ;理想是人们对于未来的合理设想 ,它是对目的的扬弃和超越 ,它既是终极关怀的体现也是现实关怀的体现 ,理想的冲突只会导致理想的更新 ,而不会彻底消解理想。
Human need,purpose and ideal are concepts that represent human nature.Need concerns human dependence on the worldly environment and condition,which can be divided into purposeful and methodical needs. Purpose refers to the internal bases of the motive of the subject,which fall into two parts,namely,the recognized internal needs and the possibilities of the external environment.Purpose and method can be reasonably distinguished according to the exact situation of the social practice;Ideal,is the sublation and transformation of the purposes,is the sensible assumption of the future.As ideal is the representation of both the ultimate consideration and the present consideration,the conflict within ideals can only lead to its regeneration,never total disappearance.
Journal of Changsha University of Electric Power(Social Science)