BOT投资方式可以吸引资金投入到基础设施建设 ,促进我国社会整体和国民经济的快速发展 ,具有很强的现实意义。加快我国BOT的法律制定和实施 ,营造良好的投资环境 ,是保证BOT成功的关键。从BOT立法内容入手 ,针对BOT方式的适用范围、项目审批、主体资格、法律适用、法律责任及政府保证等方面 ,提出对BOT投资方式的立法对策。
The investment of BOT may draw the constructed funds for basic facilities and accelerate the development of national economy in China. So it has a great practical significance. Speeding up the operation of BOT Law and its implementation, creating good invested surroundings are the key to the success of BOT. Started with BOT main contents, this article puts forward some legislative countermeasures on the investment of BOT in the light of its applicable scope, project examination and approval of government, qualifications of main body, law application and responsibility, and guaranty by government as well.
Journal of Yunnan Finance and Trade Institute