本文研究了从高铜金精矿提取铜和金的工艺方法 ,高铜金精矿经浮选分离为含金铜精矿和含金硫铁矿。采用类似密闭鼓风炉熔炼的工艺处理含金铜精矿 ,铜和金的回收率均可达 92~ 96% ,冰铜品位可达 2 0 %左右。采用预处理—氰化工艺处理含金硫铁矿 ,金的氰化率可达 79%。研究表明采用选。
This paper has studied the copper and gold extraction technology from the gold concentrate containing copper.The concentrate is separated into copper concentrate containing gold and sulphur iron concentrate containing gold by flotation.Copper and gold in the copper concentrate go into matte in closed blast furnace smelting.Gold in the sulphur iron concentrate is leached by cyaniding method.Recovery of the copper and gold have been discussed.
Sichuan Nonferrous Metals