以历史文献为依据 ,介绍唐代学校式医学教育及它对后世的影响。唐代学校式医学教育的特点是 :中央与各府、州普遍设立医学校 ,学校式教育推广到全国 ;医部与药部分立 ,专业设置明确 ;教学内容丰富 ,课程结构完善 ;注重理论联系实际 ,严格考试制度 ,师生皆同 ;采用科举制选拔人才 ,并具有医、教、研合一的组织形式。唐代学校式医学教育模式为后世所沿袭 ,对中国医药学的发展起到了重要的促进作用。
Based upon the historical literature,this article introduces the school pattern medical education in the Tang Dynasty and its influence to the later generations.The features of the school pattern medical education in the Tang Dynasty were that medical schools had been set up popularly by the central government,and various provinces and prefectures,and the school pattern education had been extended to the whole nation,with separate establishment of medical departments and pharmaceutical departments and precise installment of professions,with rich teaching contents and complete course structure,with emphasis on integration of the theory and practice,with strict examination system for both teachers and students,and with selection of the talents by imperial examination system and the organization mode of the combination of medical service,education and research.The school pattern medical education in the Tang Dynasty had been followed by the later generations and played an important promoting role in the development of Chinese medicine and pharmacy.
Academic Journal of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Tang Dynasty,medical education,school pattern medical education