本文把“章句”与“传”、“说”、“记”、“笺注”、“训故”、“条例”做了比较 ,归纳章句具有两个特征 :一是分章析句解释古代经典的意义 ;二是紧密依附所阐释的对象 ,不单行。在此基础上 ,论证了“《白虎通义》是汉代的‘皇家章句’说”不成立 ,因为《白虎通义》在著述形式上与章句没有任何相似之处 ,其阐释经义的思想方法与汉代经师造作章句时所习行的方法也不相同 ,在本质上 ,《白虎通义》不属于章句之学 ,而属于义理之学。
The article compares Zhangju with other types of ancient texts such as zhuang,shuo,ji,jianzhu,xungu,and tiaoli,and discusses their differences.It is concluded that there are two characteristics in Zhangju:firstly,it explains ancient classics chapter by chapter,paragraph by paragraph,and sentence by sentence;secondly,it is closely attached to what it explains and is never found as an independent form of literature.Therefore it is argued that the proposition that Baihu Tongyi is“a Royal Zhangju of the Han Dynasty'is not convincing.Not only the format of Baihu Tongyi is greatly different from Zhangju,but its ideology and methodology expressed in its elucidation of the classics are also dissimilar to those Zhangjus made by the scholars of the Han Dynasty.Baihu Tongyi is not a Zhangju but an argumentation in essence.
Academic Research