本文报道广东南岭国家级自然保护区大东山管理站所辖林区广翅目 1科 2属 2种、脉翅目 3科 8属 1 0种、长翅目 1科 1属 1种、鳞翅目 (蛾类 ) 2 7科 2 1 3属 2 99种的昆虫名录。
The present paper reports a catalogue of insects from Dadongshan (Mt.) Management Station of Guangdong Nanling National Nature Resercve. In this paper, the catalogue of Lepidoptera(butterflies, 168 species, 90 genera, 11 families), Diptera (39 species, 23 genera, 6 families), Hymenoptera (56 species, 29 genera, 8 families) and Arachnida (15 species, 14 genera, 10 families) include 278 species, 156 genera, 35 families.
Natural Enemies of Insects