摘要20世纪80年代,尼尔·波兹曼(Neil Postman)以一本《娱乐至死》(Amusing Ourselves to Death)对美国的电视大众文化给出了振聋发聩的警醒,并表示担忧"我们成了一个娱乐至死的物种"。本文力图分析娱乐节目的发展现状及所面临的问题,从而对电视娱乐节目未来健康绿色发展提供指导。
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4Scott Stossel.The man who counts the killings The Atlantic Monthly. May 1997.Vol.279, Iss. 5. 被引量:1
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6Nancy Signorielli.Age-Based Ratings, Content Designations, and Television Content: Is There a Problem? Mass Communication & Society, 2005, 8(4), 277 - 298. 被引量:1
7The annenberg public policy center of the university of Pennsylvania , "Media in the home 2000", http://www.annenbergpublicpolicycenter.org/02_reports_releases/report_by_category.htm. 被引量:1
8TV Bloodbath: Violence on Prime Time Broadcast TV. A PTC State of the Television ndustry report, http://www.parentstv.org/ PTC/publications/reports/stateindustryviolence/main.asp. 被引量:1