

Nonpharmacologic Measures and Drug Compliance in Patients with Heart Failure:Data from the EuroHeart Failure Survey
摘要 对生活方式、饮食、接种疫苗以及治疗的建议是心力衰竭(HF)标准处理的一部分。然而,对于心力衰竭患者是否能够回忆起接受了这样的建议,以及此后是否按照建议执行尚知之甚少。从欧洲心力衰竭调查所纳入的患者中获得关于回忆及依从非药物治疗建议的资料。分析共纳入2331例患者,这些患者均在当次入院期间临床诊断为H F,并在出院12周后接受一次访谈。 Advice on lifestyle, diet, vaccination, and therapy are part of the standard management of heart failure(HF). However, there is little information on whether patients with HF recall receiving such recommendations and, if so, whether they report following them. We obtained information on the recall of and adherence to nonpharmacologic advice from patients enrolled in the EuroHeart Failure Survey. This article focuses on 2,331 patients who had a clinical diagnosis of HF during the index admission and attended an interview 12 weeks after discharge. Their mean age was 67± 12 years and 38% were women. Patients recalled receiving 4.1± 2.7 items of advice with higher rates in Central Europe and the Mediterranean region. Recall of dietary advice(cholesterol or fat intake, 63% ; dietary salt, 60% ) was higher than for some other interventions(influenza vaccination, 36% ; avoidance of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, 17% ). Among those who recalled the advice, a substantial proportion indicated that they did not follow advice completely(cholesterol and fat intake, 61% ; dietary salt, 63% ; influenza vaccination, 75% ; avoidance of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, 80% ), although few patients indicated they ignored the advice completely. Patients who recalled >4 items versus ≤ 4 items of advice were younger and more often received angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors(71% vs 62% ), β -blockers(51% vs 38% ), and spironolactone(25% vs 21% ). In conclusion, after hospitalization for HF, many patients do not recall nonpharmacologic advice. In addition, a substantial proportion of those who recall the advice follow it incompletely. Younger age and prescription of appropriate pharmacologic treatment are associated with higher rates of recall and implementation.
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