Vitamin Ddeficiency [serum 25- hydroxyvitamin D < 25 nmol/L(< 10 ng/mL)] was identified in 92% of rachitic Arab children and 97% of their mothers compared with 22% of nonrachitic children and 52% of their mothers. There was a positive correlation between maternal and child vitamin D levels. We conclude that mothers of rachitic children should be investigated and treated for vitamin D deficiency.
Vitamin Ddeficiency [serum 25- hydroxyvitamin D < 25 nmol/L(< 10 ng/mL)] was identified in 92% of rachitic Arab children and 97% of their mothers compared with 22% of nonrachitic children and 52% of their mothers. There was a positive correlation between maternal and child vitamin D levels. We conclude that mothers of rachitic children should be investigated and treated for vitamin D deficiency.