Keratosis lichenoides chronica (KLC) is a rare chronic disorder of keratinizat ion, characterized by the progressive development of erythematosquamous plaques and violaceous lichenoid hyperkeratotic papules, nodules and ridges. These lesio ns are most commonly found in a symmetrical distribution on the trunk and extrem ities and display a unique linear and/or reticulate pattern. The etiology of KLC remains unknown and the eruptions tend to be refractory to treatment. We descri be a case of keratosis lichenoides chronica that improved with systemic retinoid s.
Keratosis lichenoides chronica (KLC) is a rare chronic disorder of keratinizat ion, characterized by the progressive development of erythematosquamous plaques and violaceous lichenoid hyperkeratotic papules, nodules and ridges. These lesio ns are most commonly found in a symmetrical distribution on the trunk and extrem ities and display a unique linear and/or reticulate pattern. The etiology of KLC remains unknown and the eruptions tend to be refractory to treatment. We descri be a case of keratosis lichenoides chronica that improved with systemic retinoid s.