目的探讨PNF技术中躯干训练模式对偏瘫患者平衡功能的影响。方法 48例患者随机分成治疗组和对照组各24例,两组采用常规运动疗法和作业疗法,治疗组同时应用PNF躯干训练模式进行躯干控制能力训练,治疗前后两组患者分别用PH-A型平衡功能测试仪测定平衡能力,比较治疗效果。结果两组治疗前后比较和组间比较差异均有显著意义。结论 PNF躯干训练模式对偏瘫患者平衡功能有良好的促进作用。
Objective To study the effect of the training trunk mode of the PNF on balance in patients with hemiplegia.Methods 48p atients were randomly divided into treatment group(24 cases) and control group (24 cases).All of the patients were given regularly physical therapy and occupational therapy. The training trunk mode of the PNF was emphasized in the treatment group. Their balance function was evaluated and compared with the evaluating balance function apparatus of the PH-A type before and after treatment. Results Their balance functi on had significant difference in each group and between the two groups before and after treatment. Conclusion The training trunk mode of t he PNF may obviously improve the balance function of hemiplegia patients.
the training trunk mode of the PNF balance hemip legia