通过对不同类型玉米的产量及光合生理指标的测定表明 :在合理密度下 ,玉米的产量主要由叶片光合能力所决定。特别是生殖生长期中上部叶片的净光合速率。同时表明登海 6号在吐丝期下部叶片的净光合速率、叶绿素含量、光合有效辐射、气孔导度均高于其他品种 (组合 )且差异显著 ,在乳熟期登海 6号中上部叶片净光合速率、叶绿素含量、气孔导度均高于其他品种 (组合 )且差异显著。并总结了高山生态条件下 ,玉米高产的生理特征 :吐丝期前下部叶片净光合速率高 ,子粒灌浆期中上部叶片净光合速率高且持续时间长 ,茎叶物质输出率高。
It has been shown through the yields of different types of the corn and the measurements of their photosynthetic physiology index that the yields of the corn are determined, under a reasonable density, by the photosynthesis of the blades, especially by the net photosynthetic rate of the upper blades in the period of their reproduction and growth. It has also been indicated that in the period of their spinning, the net photosynthetic rate, the content of chlorophyll, the effective photosynthetic radiation and the stomatal aperture in the bottom blades of Denghai 6 are higher than and quite different from those of other varietics or cultivans. In the meantime, it has been shown that in the period of their milky ripe, the net photosynthetic rate, the content of chlorophyll, the effective photosynthetic radiation and the stomatal aperture in the upper blades of Denghai 6 are all higher than and quite different from those of other varietics or cultivans. Therefore, the physiological features of the corn in the high mountains have been concluded as follows: before the period spinning the net photosynthetic rate of the bottom blades is high, and in the period of filling the net photosynthetic rate of the middle and upper blades is high and lasts for a long time and its output rate of the leaves and stems is high.
Corn the physiological characteristics the net photosynthetic rate Yield