针对《外科护理学》这门护理本科专业的主干课程 ,我院教师围绕课程教学目标进行教学方法的改革 ,在该课程的临床见习教学中 ,合理组织教学内容 ,采用按照护理程序查房、组织病案分析、实施健康教育等多形式的教学活动 ,将课堂教学的理论与临床实际有机结合 ,并突出护理的专业特色。多形式的教学活动的开展注重护生综合能力的培养 ,激发了护生的学习积极性 ,收到了较满意的教学效果 ,教学质量明显提高。
According to the < surgical nursing > course' teaching goal, multiple teaching activities, such as using nursing process in clinical care, cases study, nursing skill demonstration and conduction health education, were applied during clinical practice in this clinical teaching. These teaching activities focused on the students and initiated the students' learning interests. The feedback from the students and nursing staff all cultivated. The finding of positive teaching effects indicated that application of multiple teaching activities properly can improve the quality of clinical teaching.
Journal of Nurses Training