目的在现行医疗制度改革下 ,利用医院有限的护士人力资源 ,开展高效率、高质量的健康教育工作。方法采用自制问卷对大陆 1 0个省、市部分医院的 3 0 0 0名护理人员进行护理健康教育模式、方法及相关知识的调查。结果 98%的护士认为很有必要建立以评估、诊断、目标、计划、实施、评价六个步骤为基本框架的护理健康教育工作方法 ;96 %的护士认为该套工作模式能在不同等级医院实施和推广 ;94%的护士认为医院有必要建立护理健康教育管理体系。结论针对不同等级医院、不同病种的病人 ,运用一套科学、系统、有效的工作方法和建立相应的管理体系 。
Objective To conduct effectively high quality health education by utilized the available and limited manpower of nursing within hospital under recent reform on medical system. Method 3000 nurses were surveyed by self designed questionnaire among hospital in 10 provinces, including pattern of nursing health education, method and related knowledge. Result The establishment of basic frame for nursing health education were approved by 98% of nurses, including five steps as evaluation, diagnosis, aim, planning and implementation. 94% of these nurses thought that this pattern was not suitable for hospital at the same level. 96% of them considered it is necessary to setup the management system for nursing health education. Conclusion The application of a set of scientific, systematic and effective management method according to different level of hospital and patients is a very important approach to achieve the goal of health education.
Journal of Nurses Training