给出了一种新的交互式多目标决策方法。在对指标有偏好信息及客观熵信息输出权重基础上 ,以严格的最小二乘法为工具 ,建立确定指标权重的优化模型 ,从而为多目标决策问题寻求到一种行之有效的方法。通过与采用传统层次分析方法相比较 。
A new method of interactive Multiple Criteria Decision Making(MCDM) is presented, which uses rigid least square method as a tool and establishes the optimization model to determine the weight of index. It sets up the subjective weight of index with past AHP (Anlytical Hierarchy Process) method, and sets up the objective weight of index with entropy information. At last, it sets up the ultimate weight of index with the least square method. The result reflects both the designer's subjectives and the objective information. Compared with past methods, it could not only avoid the subjective assumption, which mostly depended on the designers, but also make full use of the objective information. It is an effective method for MCDM to unify the objectives and subjectives. It was tested to be practical and dependable for ship's complex Decision Systems(DS).
Shipbuilding of China
"九五"国家重大引进消化吸收项目(95- Y1 - 0 2 )
高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(2 0 0 0 0 1 4 1 2 5)