《二泉映月》是我国民间音乐家华彦钧创作的一首民族风格十分浓郁的二胡独奏曲 ,也是作者苦难、曲折一生的写照 ;作品旋律委婉流畅、意境深远 ,表现了作者在旧社会饱尝辛酸的感受和对生活的热爱、憧憬 ,具有强烈的感染力。本文从曲式结构、旋法特点、情感表现 3个方面 。
The Moon Reflected on the Second Spring” is a composition for erhu solo by the folk musician Hua Yanjun(also known as Abing).The style of this piece displays an intense folk character.At the same time,it also portrays the hardships,the trials and tribulations of the composer's life.A soft and fluent melody together with a profound inspiration conjure up the composer's sense of dissatisfaction for the bitterness of the old society,and also reveal his love and longing for life.It is a facinating piece.This article strives to analyse the artistic characteristics of “The Moon Refleeted on the Second Spring”from the perspectives of its formal structure,its melodic features and its musical expressiveness.
Journal of Hengshui Normal College