看客是鲁迅小说中独特的形象系列 ,这种系列表明此类形象在他的认知结构中具有重要地位。看客形象包含着多方面的信息 ,传达了鲁迅的童年经验 ,以及偏于阴暗的人性观念 ;反映了他对中国社会的基本理解 ,即富于独创性的庸众观 ;表现了他对传统文化的深刻认识 ,以及对传统文化的批判态度。看客形象是鲁迅认识中国社会重要的现实依据 ,在此基础上 ,鲁迅建立了自己以启蒙为核心的思想体系。
There′s a series of special characters that function as lookers on in Lu Xun′s novels. This kind of character images occupies a very important position in his cognitive structure. The images of lookers on contain information of various aspects. They convey Lu Xun′s childhood experience and his dim vision of human nature, reveal his basic understanding of the Chinese society, which is his creative view of the vulgar masses, and show his deep insight into the traditional culture and his critical attitude towards it. The images of lookers on become the vital realistic basis of Lu Xun′s understanding of the Chinese society. Upon this basis, Lu Xun establishes his enlightenment centered thought system.
Social Science Journal For Central South University of Technology